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Honestly don't even know where to begin. My heart is both melted and exploding with excitement. My absolute dream boy Nate came into my life less than a year ago and has captured my heart ever since. The generous lengths he goes to (daily!) to express his love and affection towards me is absolutely magical and so SO much fun to feel. This past weekend was not only so thoughtful and romantic but just so downright FUN. I can't believe I get the delight of a life time of loving and being loved by this man. Here's our story!

Thursday, July 23rd, 2020. Let me begin by telling you I was completely oblivious anything secretive was going on, and was absolutely shocked every step of the way - which made everything that much more fun for both of us. I truly have no idea how he pulled everything off so perfectly. SO, back to the day. It all began with getting my nails done - of course. Nate had asked my momma and sissy's to come up with an excuse to all get manicures done together that morning, one so that I would have pretty nails, and two so that I would be out of the house. Clutch move. Doesn't take much to convince me to come to the nail salon ha, just a little stretched lie that it was for my sister as she was attending a wedding that weekend and I was THERE. The rest of the weekend I was fully convinced that Nate and I were on babysitting duty, as my mom had asked me over a month ago if she could take Dad on a secret get away weekend and asked if I would stay home to care for my younger brother. Similarly, Nate's parents had asked if we would stay with his younger siblings on the Thursday before the weekend, as they were celebrating their anniversary. The plan was for Nate to pick me up after brunch with my sisters and we were to pick up his siblings from Vancouver latest at 1 pm. They were all kayaking as a family and then his parents were to spend the afternoon alone there. All went smoothly, Nate got home from "work" just in time and we headed towards Deep Cove.

Honestly, Nate and I naturally get along really well. Like, all the time. We both find being around each other to be so easy and just FUN. But, for some reason, I was in a MOOD. "Nate, why are you going 80 kms on the highway." "Woops! I'm just having fun chatting and not paying attention to the speed!" uhh "I can have fun chatting and still drive 100 kms though." *Little did I know he needed to arrive at a specific time and we were a bit early.* A few minutes later I realize he's holding the phone in his lap doing directions, and pretty out of character I just grab the phone - "Oh - let me do this instead." Nate then VERY out of character grabs the phone back. "No I want to do it." Me completely confused, "Why? Nate it just makes sense if I do it, I don't understand." "Just let me do it!!" "Nate it's just safer for both of us if I do it!" He then scrambling makes up a lame excuse of why he really wants to do it because I'm better at it and he wants a chance - LOL - THEN, I go off on a ramble about how I actually am quite good at it hey, and that its always easy for me to find my way back somewhere if I've only been there once - I'm dying laughing as I write this - Nate was probably just smirking being like yeah OK ella. *Nate was both waiting for a text from a photographer AND had been there a lot in the past few days before, checking out the spots he liked and planning everything, so didn't even NEED directions, but I knew he hadn't been there so he was pretending to need them.*

We arrive in Deep Cove a few minutes early and almost immediately I spot Nate's Dad, sitting on a bench by the water. As expected, as I thought we were going to see the whole family here kayaking. "Theres your Dad over there." Nate looked up somewhat shocked and almost in pain, "My dad?? Are you sure?" Nate scanning the beach, me: "yep, right over there!" We walk up, "hey, Dad.." Nate says. Sean turns around equally shocked, "hey, guys..." Everything still seemed normal to me as I chatted, asking where the others where and if we could see them from here, and what kind of kayak they were in. The two of them exchanging awkward glances and taking way too long coming up with answers for all my questions. Truth is, no one else from his family was actually there, his dad was only there to secretly take Nate's car, but was suppose to be out of sight when we arrived. Thankfully for the two of them, I pulled a "well, I'm going to go grab a coffee while we wait" move, giving him a change to beeline outta there as soon as we were out of sight. So Nate and I walked around, grabbed a coffee, I went pee, then coming out of the restroom I started walking back towards where his dad was sitting last, when Nate went to pull my arm in the other direction. "Let's go walk around and explore first!" "Uhhh, I'd love to but Noo way, we need to go back to find your family, they are probably all waiting for us now, its past 1." "Oh no, we can explore for a bit first - lets go!" Me, "No! No chance, I'm not going to walk around exploring while they are waiting at the car for us. She said be here latest at one! I'd feel too awkward!" Nate trying desperately for me to just follow him, "They're probably not back yet!" "No Nate, at LEAST call your dad and ask." He inwardly rolls his eyes as he realizes his phone only works on speaker, so his dad better not mess anything up. He didn't leave him much room to. "Hey dad so you are still waiting for them, they're not back yet so it's fine if we walk around for a few more minutes right?" "... yup." "perfect, bye Dad." Me, "Thank-you... sorry for making you do that. For some reason we just aren't really connecting today hey..?" LOLLOL He holds my hand and tells me he loves me, and finally I start following him down towards the beach. "Let's go walk along the rocks!" Honestly I am usually always down for whatever, but the tide was out and the rocks were covered in green slime and I just wasn't feeling it, "lets not" "Oh come on Ella, I want to see the pier!" "You can see it from here!" Nate goes down a bit, me being a total sass, "how does it look from there?" LOL Finally I shape up and follow him down on the beach. We walk towards this tree, and he pulls me under it, "lets explore in here!" Me, expecting his family to rock up any minute, "No Nate, it feels like we're hiding under here! Lets get out!" Haha, I honestly can't explain what my deal was. We were actually in a really magical little place. Covered by this big leafy tree, next to a stream and a little bridge, right on the ocean. Nate, sweet as ever, starts telling me how much he loves me, how grateful he is that we met, and how he wants to spend his whole life with me. Heart softened I look at this incredible guy standing in front of me just as he reaches for his back pocket and goes down on one knee and pulls out the most beautiful ring I've ever seen, asking me to marry him. SHOCKED I say YES and OF COURSE and then just burst out laughing in shock realizing immediately how difficult I've been to work with and how excited I am and how OF COURSE I want to marry this man and that this is the moment I've been waiting for my entire life and that the YES was just the easiest yes EVER. A flood of so many emotions I can hardly remember the moment itself. When I looked over his shoulder I realized there was a photographer ALSO hiding with us underneath this beautiful tree, capturing all of it. SO much fun and just SO shocking.

So I met her, gawked at my ring and kept staring at Nate in awe as we walk along the beach and forest in Deep Cove, taking fun pictures. Hilarious enough, I asked the photographer early on if she would mind taking pictures of us on the dock at one point, so we could get some pictures with boats in the background. "Sure, we can do that!" After the fun shoot - me not expecting anything - we walk down the dock and pose for some pictures.

After a few pictures Nate casually hops onto this boujee speedboat parked right beside where we were standing and shouts "lets go!" Me, "Nate! Get out of that persons boat!" Nate, "what, you aren't coming!?" Smiling BIG. (He says that might have been his favourite moment of the crazy day) I'm SHOCKED. "WHAT?! Who's driving us?!" *I pointed to this elderly couple also standing on the dock* "YOU GUYS! Are you taking us?!" HAHA they threw their hands up saying "no no! not us!" Nate LAUGHING, "lets go girl! I'M driving! YOU'RE driving!" So I untie us and hop in and we are zooming off. One of the funnest moments in my life.

As we speed off Nate shouts and points "open that seat there!" I find chilled champaign and glasses. "It's the real deal champaign too!", he shouts over the roar of the engine. He was having way too much fun. I was having way too much fun. We popped the champaign and sped through the ocean seriously happier than ever before. I took the wheel and he opened different seats and pulled out my bathing suit and a picnic lunch with all my favourite foods and snacks. It was the most magical thing ever. I couldn't believe my life. Couldn't believe he was my fiancé. After a few hours Nate starts driving us back and explains that we have to return the boat to where he picked it up from early that morning, in Coal Harbour. (That was another highlight for him, picking up the boat early that morning when I thought he was at work, and speeding through the channel, parking it at Deep Cove. I love imagining his face during that ride HA total BOSS) So we return the boat and he started leading me along the sea wall. "Oh so thaatttss why your dad was there, he had to bring your car here!" "Yeah..." Nate smiles. "Ohhh. So much planning.... so fun!! Thank you so much Nate!!" Yet again, oblivious.

We walk along the water in Vancouver for a few minutes and then Nate steered us down towards the FLOAT PLANE dock. Shocked I started asking what are we doing here?! He politely asks me to wait outside for a moment as he went inside. Here he reminded them again to convince me we were going on a float plane tour of Vancouver. I came inside to sign the forms and the staff were so sweet and congratulated us and offered celebratory wine on the house. "Enjoy your tour!!" The pilot came shortly and congratulated us and briefed us on our "tour". I had never been in a float plane and have always wanted to!! We took off and had the most beautiful flight. The scenery was gorgeous. Fjords on the left, white capped breathtaking mountains on the right. I remember thinking WOW I can tell my friends I went all the way to Squamish on a tour hahaha. Then, wow all the way to WHISTLER on a tour!

After flying over Whistler we turned around in the air and started heading home. Besides I still had to take care of Malakai this weekend. Then we start slowing down, and swooping low over Green Lake in Whistler. I look at Nate curiously, but his mask hides any facial expression. "What are we doing?!" "I have no idea, must be fuelling up?" We land on Green Lake and my curiosity grows, although I only had my sweater and my purse on me, so I know we couldn't ACTUALLY be staying here. The pilot opens the door and wishes us an amazing weekend in Whistler. WHAT?!

Nate laughed, yet again enjoying my shocked expression way too much. We walked up the ramp to find HIS CAR there, now full of food and coolers and my suitcase!!!! I feel like my mouth was constantly open the entire day ha. We got in the car and drove to an airbnb where he said OK, surprises over, we are staying here for 3 nights. Time to relax!! I actually can't believe all the time and effort and planning he put into this and can't believe that it was all for me. I feel SO spoiled and SO grateful and just GIDDY with love for this guy!!

He had gathered my make up and curling iron and (way too many) clothes and took me out for dinner in Whistler.

We got SO much special treatment for being newly engaged, I felt celebrated everywhere I went with him and it was so much fun. The airbnb hosts had wine and flowers waiting for us and the restaurant brought out champaign immediately. Honestly the best day of my entire life. The next morning I woke up to my favourite breakfast (huevos rancheros!!) and Nate telling me to put on my bathingsuit as we were heading to the Scandinave Spa for a day to relax in the baths and get MASSAGES. The most thoughtful relaxing day. The weekend could not get better. It was full of him cooking all my favourite meals, relaxing, shopping, playing our favourite board games and me staring at my ring for several hours a day ha.

After the spa I said OK all the secrets better be over now, and he said almost - we had just one more thing to do tomorrow, something we had to do for him. "Of course, whatever it is!"... The next day after breakfast he told me to put on some closed toe shoes and took me SKYDIVING HAHAHAHA.

I'm still shocked as I write all of this. He went above and beyond and planned the most amazing weekend. He said he just had too much fun with all of it and couldn't pick one thing, but just did what he wanted and what he hoped I would enjoy. Honestly couldn't have planned a funner weekend myself. AND, couldn't have designed the ring better myself!! He knew I wanted something unique, and knew I liked rose gold and an oval shape. He got it custom made and incorporated his great grandmas diamond in the centre - SO beautiful, I love it SO much.

We then came home to the excitement of telling our story, having celebratory parties with each family. First a lovely desert with Nate's family and then a gorgeous little surprise dinner with my family, put on by my parents and sisters Beth and Meagan. I am SO grateful to everyone who played a part in our special day, I feel SO spoiled. This weekend was a weekend of a lifetime and I will always remember it. Can not WAIT for a life time of adventures with you Nate Allison!


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